Friday, September 21, 2018


Quercus Cornelius-Mulleri, otherwise referred to as Mullers Oak, is native to the region around skull rock. It also has an origination in other areas of north america and mexico.

More accurately describing its range of origin is the occurance of its inhabited biomes, which are foothill or mountain slopes, pinyon juniper woodland, chaparral, and oak woodland. Noted is its preference for soil rich in granite. The skull rock area houses pinyon juniper plant communities among its massive monzogranite maze through the Little San Bernardino Mountains.

Although generally shrub like in apperance, especially hardy specimens can become tree like at about 10 feet tall. More prolific then their height is the habit of ther branch growth. Densely interwoven with numerous overlapped forking twigs ending in small leaves which are green to gray with shades of yellow on top and whiteish with hairs underneith. Fruit hearing seasons will yeild acorns, a nut like shapebwith a bevelled cap, generally no longer than an inch or two.

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